Hot Romance Reads

The Hottest Romance Reads

About Hot Romance Reads


Hot Romance Reads Club is a newsletter delivering the best romance books to your inbox daily! We also provide marketing for authors. We are run by Rave Reads Press and do business as Hot Romance Reads, Dirty Little Secret Reads an Jamie Knight.

We are a promotional newsletter, meaning that authors pay us to advertise their books in it. Our newsletters contain recommended new releases, discounted books and FREE books for our readers to enjoy! The books must be in the romance genre and must have some level of steam (no clean/religious romance, as our readers prefer some hate).

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READERS: To sign up to our newsletter, please either download this free book or email us at If you have any questions or issues about the deliverability of your newsletter, please also email us at For privacy and GDPR policy, please see Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy on this website.

AUTHORS: We sell spots on our newsletter that goes out to anywhere from 10,000 to 30,000 subscribers, depending on which newsletter you book. To inquire about having your books included in our newsletter, please email us at

We also offer marketing services and newsletter management for authors. One example is Jamie Knight. If you would like a professional marketing service to take the inconvenience of these tasks off your hands, please email us at

At this time, for our forms of payment we take PayPal (multiple countries’ currencies) or Stipe (US dollars only) via the newsletter swap website where you can book paid spots from us. These services use secure capabilities and have a strict privacy policy for transmission of payment card details. Please visit the payment websites at PayPal and Stripe directly to view the policies in their entirety.

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